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Tips for Buying Foam Mattress

Most of us have been using spring mattresses for years and we have been accustomed to it. When it comes to changing the mattress we start thinking of buying a latex or memory foam mattress and start asking queries as to which one is the best.

Latex is a white liquid collected from rubber particles in the rubber making process. The liquid is then made into foam and is used to make mattresses. Latex is a natural product and provides the best support while sleeping in any position.

Latex mattresses are anti allergic and dust resistible. While you toss and turn at night, you will feel very comfortable and won’t feel any pressure when you turn to your right and left. The very important feature of latex is, it keeps a person warm in winter and cool in summer.

Latex is manufactured by beating the liquid rubber and converting it into foam and putting the liquid into a mold. Then CO2 is passed on to the rods in the mold and heat is also sent with the correct temperature to make good latex foam.

The memory foam mattresses are made with foam and while buying a memory foam mattress the first thing to be asked is about the density of the foam, (the higher the density the better the foam) whether it is anti allergic and anti microbial? Whether the company provides warranty and shipping or not. Memory foam mattress is very comfortable and people having neck and backache are very happy using this.

Though both latex and memory foam mattress are good it depends upon the person on which mattress to buy? Some like memory foam mattresses while some like latex mattresses.

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Source: www.isnare.com