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Foam For Seat Cushions

  • A Look at the History of Memory Foam
    Acting in the 1967 hit movie The Graduate, Walter Brooke had no idea what he was on to when he forced this nutty piece of advice on Dustin Hoffman: Mr. McGuire: I want to say one word to you. Just one word. Benjamin: Yes, sir. Mr. McGuire: Are you listening? Benjamin: Yes, I am. Mr. McGuire: Plastics. To Brooke’s sincere astonishment, “plastics” took the stock market by storm the very next year. The success of plastic, with uses limited onl Read More...
  • Memory Foam Mattress And Pain relief
    If you suffer from chronic pain in your back, lower back, joints or neck etc. then you probably know what it's like to not be able to sit down or go to bed without being in severe discomfort for a lot of the time. It seems that what used to be the most comfortable furniture in the place have suddenly become the least comfortable. A possible solution for people with chronic pain from Pagets disease or arthritis or other debilitating conditions is Read More...
  • Using Traditional Cushions
    Using cushion and upholstery to add decorative embellishment and comfort to a room dates back to middle age, when cushions were placed on the floor for the ladies of the household to sit on, while the men sat on hard wooden seats. The loose cushion had its heyday prior to the invention of modern methods of upholstering sofas and chairs. During the sixteenth century, wooden seats were given a flat squab cushion, while from the seventeenth century Read More...